Non CPWI Hymns

A Christian Home
All My Hope
Bind us together, Lord
Carry Your Candle
Closing Hymn of Blessing
Doxology 1
Doxology 2
Great Shepherd of The People
Fishers of Men
For ever would we gaze on thee
Flying Free

Honour Christian Mothers
Hymn For Home & Family
Hymn of Peace - Shalom
Oh, it Is Hard To Work For God
Las Mananitas
Let there be peace
Let there be love shared
Mary's Boy Child
Mothers of Salem
My Faith Has Found

O Come and Mourn with Me
Oh Let the Power
Open The Eyes of My Heart
Ring Out, Wild Bells
Rise in the strength of God
Silent Night, Holy Night
The Holy Ghost Power
We bid Thee Welcome
Ye Must be Born Again
Yield not to temptation