O Come and Mourn with Me

  1. O come and mourn with me awhile;
    O come ye to the Saviour's side;
    O come, together let us mourn;
    Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.

  2. Have we no tears to shed for Him,
    While soldiers scoff and Jews deride?
    Ah! Look how patiently He hangs;
    Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.

  3. How fast His Hands and Feet are nail’d;
    His Throat with parching thirst is dried;
    His failing Eyes are dimm’d with Blood;
    Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.

  4. Seven times He spake, seven words of love;
    And all three hours His silence cried
    For mercy on the souls of men;
    Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.

  5. Come, let us stand beneath the Cross;
    So may the Blood from out his side
    Fall gently on us drop by drop;
    Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.

  6. A broken heart, a fount of tears,
    Ask, and they will not be denied;
    Lord Jesus, may we love and weep,
    Since Thou for us art crucified.