Honour Christian Mothers
(Tune: Onward Christian Soldier)

  1. Honour Christian mothers
    Instruments of God
    Raising faithful families
    Worshiping the Lord
    Following his commandments
    Showing us the way:
    Love and faith and kindness
    Teaching us to pray
  2. "Let it be", say mothers
    Trusting to obey,
    Finding strength and courage
    Grace for every day
    Challenges surround us
    But we will not fear
    God's love will sustain us,
    Help, our cross to bear.
  3. God be with our mothers
    Who have gone before,
    Certain of his promise;
    Life forevermore.
    In his many mansions,
    Love again we'll share,
    He will take away all sorrow,
    Wipe away each tear
  4. Honour Christian mothers
    Heaven's gift of love
    Join with them in service
    To the Lord above.
    Follow their example,
    Let your lights so shine
    All will see your goodness
    Praise the One Devine
  5. Onward still ye mothers,
    Tho' the time will come;
    Sons will leave their parents,
    Daughters leave their homes,
    We'll remain united, Mother's legacy;
    One in love and faithfulness
    One in Charity