For Ever Would We Gaze on Thee

  1. For ever we would gaze on Thee,
    O Lord, upon the Mount;
    With Moses and Elias see
    That light from Light's own Fount;

  2. For ever with the chosen three
    Would stand upon that height,
    And in that blessed company
    Be plunged in pure delight.

  3. For ever would we train the ear
    To that celestial Voice;
    In Thee, the Son of God, so near
    For evermore rejoice.

  4. Here would we pitch our constant tent,
    For ever here abide;
    And dwell in peace and full content,
    Dear Master, at Thy side.

  5. But no! not yet to man 'tis given
    To rest upon that height;
    'Tis but a passing glimpse of Heav'n;
    We must descend and fight.

  6. Beneath the Mount is toil and pain;
    O Christ, Thy strength impart;
    Till we, transfigured, too, shall reign
    For ever where Thou art.