The Holy Eucharist
Sunday, March 2, 2025

The Celebration Opening Sentences - Acclamation Acclamation - Collect for Purity  The Kyries   Gloria in Excelsis   Prayers (p75-86)   The Collect for 3/2/2025   Readings w/ Psalm & Collect   Apostles Creed  /  Nicene Creed  Athanasian Creed  /   Hymn561-Creed  The Intercessions [A to H]  The Concluding Collects   The Act of Penitence   The Absolution 
 The Greeting of Peace   Peace Songs   The Presentation of the Offerings   Proper Prefaces (All)  The Eucharist  The Lord's Prayer   The Breaking of the Bread   The Invitation   Agnus Dei   The Communion   The Post Communion Prayer   The Dismissal   Elements to be Consecrated   Hymns for 3/2/2025 

B a c k Peace Songs Notices Etc.