The minister of this service is the priest or any other person duly authorised and instructed by him.
Baptismal promises may be renewed on appropriate occasions when the people have been duly prepared.
Such renewal normally takes place during public worship, but not at services of Christian Initiation (apart from the Easter Vigil) unless the Bishop gives permission.
The minister and the congregation may offer free and spontaneous prayer.
All say together:
Grant, Lord that we who have been baptized into union with Christ, may never be ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucified, to fight valiantly under His banner against sin, the world and the devil, and to continue His faithful soldiers and servants to the end of our lives.
The minister then addresses those who wish to renew their promises in these or similar words:
In our baptism we died with Christ and were buried with Him, so that we might rise with Him to a new life within the family of His Church.
We can never be baptized again, but we can, in response to a movement of God’s Spirit and after careful preparation, reaffirm the promises made at our baptism.
So I invite you who are ready to do so to reaffirm your baptismal promises.
Question: Do you turn to Jesus Christ and accept Him as your Saviour?
Answer: I turn and accept Him.
Question: Do you put your whole trust in His grace and love?
Answer: I so put my trust.
Question: Do you promise to love God and obey Him as your Lord?
Answer: I promise.
Question: Do you renounce Satan, and all the spiritual forces of wickedness?
Answer: I do.
Question: Do you renounce injustice and all the evil powers of this world?
Answer: I do.
The minister says:
Now in allegiance to Christ you must declare before God and His Church that you accept the Christian faith into which you were baptized, and in which you will continue to live and grow.
Do you believe and trust in God the Father who made the world?
Answer: I believe and trust in Him.
Question: Do you believe and trust in His Son Jesus Christ in whom we have redemption?Answer: I believe and trust in Him.
Question: Do you believe and trust in His Holy Spirit who gives life to the people of God?Answer: I believe and trust in Him.
The minister says:
This is the faith of the Church.
This is our faith.
We believe and trust in one God Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The minister says:
Will you live in obedience to God’s laws, as a loyal member of His Church?
ALL: With God’s help, I will.
MINISTER:The minister says one or both of these prayers
Almighty God, we thank you for our fellowship in the household of faith with all those who have been baptized in your name. Keep us faithfhl to our baptism, and so make us ready for that day when the whole of creation shall be made perfect in your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ.ALL: Amen.
Almighty God, whose Holy Spirit equips the Church with a rich variety of gifts, grant that we may use them to bear witness to Christ by lives built on faith and love. Make us ready to live His gospel and eager to do His will, that we may share with all your Church in the joys of eternal life; through Jesus Christ our Lord.ALL: Amen.
All say together:
Eternal God
you have declared in Christ
the completion of your purpose of love.
May we live by faith, walk in hope
and be renewed in love,
until the world reflects your glory
and you are all in all.
Even so; come, Lord Jesus. Amen.