Holy Baptism


The minister shall invite the parents and godparents of the children who have been brought for Baptism to come forward using the following or other appropriate words.

Let all Parents and Godparents who have brought children to be baptised now come forward.

Why do you present these children (this child) for baptism?


We present these children (this child) for Baptism in order that they (he/she) may be incorporated into Christ, our Incarnate Lord.


We present these children (this child) for baptism in order that they (he/she) may be made living members of the Church which is the Body of Christ.

Parents and Godparents, the children (child) whom you have brought for baptism will, by reason of their (his/her) infancy, depend on your help and encouragement to grow in the knowledge, reverence and service of Almighty God, our Heavenly Father.

You must remember, that it is also your duty to see that they (he/she) are (is) instructed in the good news of God's salvation in Christ, the Church's Creeds and Catechism and all other things which a Christian ought to know, believe and practice as a member of the family of God.

As they (he/she) grow(s) up, they (he/she) will also need the help and encouragement of that family, so that they (he/she) learn(s) to be faithful in public worship and private prayer, to live by love and trust in God, and in due course to come to receive the laying on of hands by the Bishop in Confirmation.

Will you give that help and encouragement by your prayers, by your example, and by your teaching?
ANSWER: I will do so, the Lord being my helper.

QUESTION: Will you do all in your power to see that these children (this child) (are/is) brought to the Bishop to be confirmed by him and to receive the Body and Blood of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Holy Communion?
ANSWER: I will do so, the Lord being my helper.

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