The Holy Eucharist

- Form A -

All Holy and glorious Father,
our Creator God,
we give you thanks
because in your loving wisdom
you brought all things into being,
and are truly worthy of praise
from every creature you have made.

Again and again
we have turned away from you;
yet in every age your steadfast love
has called us to return,
to live in union with you:
for it is your eternal purpose
to put new life into all things
and make them holy.

Through your Son, Jesus Christ,
who took our human nature upon Him
you have redeemed the world
from the bondage of sin:
and by the power of your Holy Spirit
you have gathered a people to yourself,
to make known in every place
His perfect offering which He made
to the glory of your Name.

Hear us, therefore, Father,
through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord;
And grant that these gifts of bread and wine
may be unto us His Body and Blood.

For, on the night He was betrayed
He took bread,
and when He had given thanks to you,
He broke it and gave it to His disciples
and said: "Take this, and eat it:
This is my Body which is given for you.
Do this for the remembrance of me."

And after supper
he took the cup of wine:

and when He had given thanks,
He gave it to them and said:
"Drink this, all of you:
This is my Blood of the New Covenant,
which is shed for you and for many
for the forgiveness of sins.
Whenever you drink it,
do this for the remembrance of me."

Let us proclaim the mystery of our faith.

One of the following Acclamations shall be said:

Christ has died.
Christ is risen.
Christ will come again.


Jesus is Lord.
He has reconciled us to Himself:
Christ makes all things new.


Christ is Lord.
Through His death
we were made children of God:
He is our hope of glory.

And so, Heavenly Father,
rejoicing in His Holy Incarnation;
His Blessed Passion and His Perfect Sacrifice
made once for all upon the Cross;
His Mighty Resurrection from the dead;
His Glorious Ascension into heaven;
and looking for His Coming in glory;
we offer to you this Bread and this Cup.

We pray that you will accept this sacrifice of
praise and thanksgiving;
and grant that all who eat and drink of the Body and Blood
of your Son, our great High Priest,
may be renewed by your Holy Spirit,
and be one Body, one Spirit, in Him.

Let faith and love increase in us.
Unite us with all Bishops,
all other ministers of your Word and Sacraments,
and with the whole people of God,
living and departed,
whom you have made for yourself.

Confirm us in holiness,
that we may be found ready to join the company
of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Holy Apostles,
and all your saints,
when our Lord Jesus Christ comes again:
Forever giving you thanks and praise
through Him from whom all good things do come.

With Him and in Him and through Him,
by the power of the Holy Spirit,
we worship you, Father Almighty,
with all who stand before you in earth and heaven,
in songs of everlasting praise:

Blessing and honour and glory and power
be yours for ever and ever. Amen.