Special Prayers for Various Occasions
Select from the Listing (by Page) below:
75: General Intercession
76: Strength
76: Support
76: Direction
77: Protection
77: Guidance
77: Prayer of St. Francis
77: In Trouble
78: Prayer
78: For Clergy and People
78: For Peace
78: For Peace Among Nations
79: For the Diocese
79: For the Parish
79: For a Synod Meeting or Convention
79: For the Election of a Bishop or an Incumbent
80: For Church Musicians and Artists
80: For Sound Government
80: For the Unity of the Church
81: For the Unemployed
81: Work
82: For those who Influence Public Opinion
82: For the Future of the Human Race
82: For the Victims of Addiction
82: Our Homes and Families
82: Marriage
83: Our Children
83: Young People
83: Our Friends
84: A Prayer of Self-Dedication
84: On Sunday
84: The Presence of Christ
84: In Time of Disaster
85: A Litany of Thanksgiving
86: A General Thanksiving
86: Prayer of Thanksgiving
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