Let us pray for the fellowship of the Church of Christ, and for all
God's creatures.
With all who confess the name of Jesus, as Lord and Saviour, we offer our
prayers and praises, in Spirit and in truth.
Father in Heaven,
ALL: Hear our prayer.
With Jesus Christ, our Great High Priest, who ever lives to intercede for us,
we uphold all ministers of God's Word and Sacraments, that they may fulfil
their high calling in the Faith.
Father in Heaven,
ALL: Hear our prayer.
We pray for the unfailing guidance of the Holy Spirit on those who are called
to interpret and expound the will of the Lord to others.
Father in Heaven,
ALL: Hear our prayer.
We pray for all organizations, within the fellowship of the Body of Christ,
that their work may edify the people of God, and bear faithful witness to the
Father in Heaven,
ALL: Hear our prayer.
We pray for all persons who do not share our confession of faith, that with
courage, truth and love we may work together with them, and promote the common
Father in Heaven,
ALL: Hear our prayer.
For the leaders of our country, and all who make decisions on our
behalf, that they may be guided by the Spirit, to direct our affairs
in righteousness and peace.
Father in Heaven,
ALL: Hear our prayer.
For our Judges, Magistrates and all who administer justice, that in
all things they may seek to do your will, and to protect the rights
and freedom of your people.
Father in Heaven,
ALL: Hear our prayer.
In our schools, and in all other places of learning, may true
knowledge, sound wisdom, and godly discipline ever be found.
Father in Heaven,
ALL: Hear our prayer.
To the poor, the hungry, the unemployed, and all victims of
persecution and discrimination of any kind, may God in Christ
help us all to bring relief, justice and protection.
Father in Heaven,
ALL: Hear our prayer.
To all who suffer now from pain and disease, from human
discomfort and misery, may God in Christ bring healing and joy,
for the renewal of their faith.
Father in Heaven,
ALL: Hear our prayer.
That we may use aright the fullness of the earth, that our pursuits
in science, and the advancement of our skills, may ever be in
service of that true humanity, which is created in the image of God.
Father in Heaven,
ALL: Hear our prayer.
That we may never become the slaves of money, or of the lust for
power, but may rather strive for victory through the power of love.
Father in Heaven,
ALL: Hear our prayer.
That with all who belong to the communion of saints, both living
and departed, we may ever rejoice in the blessed assurance of that
hope, which has been won for us in Christ.
Father in Heaven,
ALL: Receive these our prayers in the name of your dear
Son, even Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Concluding Collects
The Act of Penitence follows (page 123)
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