Morning Prayer
Either I

V. Blessed be the Lord our God,
R. By whose grace we are yet alive.

V. Blessed be His Son Jesus Christ,
R. By whose rising we are set free.

V. Blessed be the Spirit of God,
R. In whom is our hope and our joy;


V. Hear us, O Lord,
R. For your mercy is great.

V. We will exalt you, O God our Saviour,
R. And praise your name forever and ever.

V. Glory to the Father and to the Son: and to the Holy Spirit;
R. As it was in the beginning is now: and shall be forever.

The following prayer may be said by the minister and people:

Father, we come together in the Name of your Son Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, to offer you our worship, praise and thanksgiving. To you belong all power and glory. You are the source of all goodness. Let our worship bear witness to your peace and saving power. Through your Spirit may we ever rejoice in the abiding presence of our risen and ascended Lord.

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